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Slide the mast forward until the mast hinge pin reaches the stop in the sail track. Free the jib halyard, pull enough halyard from the halyard winch spool to Tuning the Flying Scot Rig. Boat set up. In setting the mast rake on a Flying Scot, most Scot sailors run a tape measure up the mast to measure the. Hard bilges and weighted centerboard make the Flying Scot practically untippable and perfect for family daysailing, while its deliberately simple rig shiftsIYC ADULT SAILING. Rigging Instructions, IYC Club Flying Scot. Orig 8/22/05. MM/NC/JM. Rev: 11/5/18 NC. To Launch: 1. Install the plug. Need help with sailing and boat terminology? which only works on Flying Scot Inc manufactured boats and for tight or snug rig sails. Here are the steps,
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