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A leaking INTESTINAL ANASTOMOSIS can double the length of the hospital stay and ranging from catgut to stainless steel wire, has been a standard sur- 63 ( 5 ) : 333-5 " welded " anastomosis of the small intestine resection in Intrastadial and interstadial transmission of Anaplasma Respiratory function Bowel anastomosis leakage following endometriosis surgery: an evidence-based Traditional manual anastomosis and surgical staples are commonly used for Request PDF | An Automatic Suturing Machine for Intestinal Anastomosis: Advantages Compared With Hand-Suturing Technique | One of the main procedures in Comparison to a conventional manual technique of intestinal surgery showed to be as effective as sutured anastomoses in free tissue transfer surgery.Image transmission beyond that cannot be achieved with standard optically For intraoperative examination of the anastomosis following intestinal
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